Friday, March 4, 2011

Boys Styles too

I have so much to offer for your little boys. As a Mommy of 3 boys, I know that there is always tons of great stuff for girls and nothing for boys. I think my boy items are really cute and hope you do too.

Busy busy Mommy

Do you feel like all you do everyday is follow around these small little destructors and pick up after them? Man, that is what I have been feeling like. I think I am in a funk. My family room is so cluttered with toys. I wish I had a room dedicated just as a playroom.

I used to enjoy having them play in-font of me all day. But lately I feel like I am being taken over by toys. When cleaned they are all stored neatly in the cupboards. Usually just a few stragglers are left over; otherwise no trace of kids (except the thousand of pictures of them all over). This never happens however. I am usually so tired at night I don't put everything away. With 4 kids, we have way too much stuff. Am I alone?

How do you deal with your kids toys. Do they play in a common room? I'd love to know.